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Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 12, 2011

Các lỗi thường gặp trong Outlook Express

Các lỗi thường gặp trong Outlook Express - General Errors

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Thứ năm, 01 Tháng 12 2011 14:06
 titleKhi Outlook Express không gửi hoặc nhận email, nó sẽ thường cho bạn biết tại sao trên các tab error của cửa sổ tiến trình (xem hình1).

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General Errors - Problems with the Outlook Express Application
Error NumberError TypeDescription
0x800CCC00LOAD_SICILY_FAILEDAuthentication did not load
0x800CCC01INVALID_CERT_CNInvalid certificate content
0x800CCC02INVALID_CERT_DATEInvalid certificate date
0x800CCC03ALREADY_CONNECTEDUser already connected
0x800CCC05NOT_CONNECTEDNot connected to server
0x800CCC0AINCOMPLETEMessage download incomplete
0x800CCC0BBUSYServer or incorrect domain on sender's email address
0x800CCC0DCANT_FIND_HOSTCannot locate server
0x800CCC0EFAILED_TO_CONNECTCannot connect to server
0x800CCC0FCONNECTION_DROPPEDConnection closed
0x800CCC10INVALID_ADDRESSAddress not known on server
0x800CCC11INVALID_ADDRESS_LISTMailing list not known on server
0x800CCC12SOCKET_READ_ERRORUnable to send Winsock request
0x800CCC13SOCKET_WRITE_ERRORUnable to read Winsock reply
0x800CCC14SOCKET_INIT_ERRORUnable to initialise Winsock
0x800CCC15SOCKET_CONNECT_ERRORUnable to open Windows Socket
0x800CCC16INVALID_ACCOUNTUser account not recognized
0x800CCC17USER_CANCELUser canceled operation
0x800CCC18SICILY_LOGON_FAILEDLogon attempt failed
0x800CCC1ASECURE_CONNECT_FAILEDUnable to connect using SSL

POP3 Errors - Problems receiving mail
Error NumberError TypeDescription
0x800420CBPOP3_NO_STOREMail cannot be stored on server
0x800CCC90POP3_RESPONSE_ERRORClient response invalid
0x800CCC91POP3_INVALID_USER_NAMEInvalid user name or user not found
0x800CCC92POP3_INVALID_PASSWORDPassword not valid for account.
0x800CCC93POP3_PARSE_FAILUREUnable to interpret response.
0x800CCC94POP3_NEED_STATSTAT Command required.
0x800CCC95POP3_NO_MESSAGESNo messages on server.
0x800CCC96POP3_NO_MARKED_MESSAGESNo messages marked for retrieval.
0x800CCC97POP3_POPID_OUT_OF_RANGEMessage ID out of range.

SMTP Errors - Problems sending mail
Error NumberError TypeDescription
0x800CCC60SMTP_RESPONSE_ERRORInvalid response.
0x800CCC61SMTP_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_CODEUnknown error code.
0x800CCC62SMTP_500_SYNTAX_ERRORSyntax error returned.
0x800CCC63SMTP_501_PARAM_SYNTAXParameter syntax incorrect.
0x800CCC64SMTP_502_COMMAND_NOTIMPLCommand not implemented.
0x800CCC65SMTP_503_COMMAND_SEQImproper command sequence.
0x800CCC66SMTP_504_COMMAND_PARAM_NOTIMPLCommand not implemented.
0x800CCC67SMTP_421_NOT_AVAILABLECommand not available.
0x800CCC68SMTP_450_MAILBOX_BUSYMailbox is locked and busy.
0x800CCC69SMTP_550_MAILBOX_NOT_FOUNDMailbox not found.
0x800CCC6ASMTP_451_ERROR_PROCESSINGError processing request.
0x800CCC6BSMTP_551_USER_NOT_LOCALUser mailbox is known, but mailbox not on this server.
0x800CCC6CSMTP_452_NO_SYSTEM_STORAGENo space to store messages.
0x800CCC6DSMTP_552_STORAGE_OVERFLOWStorage limit exceeded.
0x800CCC6ESMTP_553_MAILBOX_NAME_SYNTAXInvalid mailbox name syntax.
0x800CCC6FSMTP_554_TRANSACT_FAILEDTransaction failed.
0x800CCC78SMTP_REJECTED_SENDERUnknown sender. ( incorrect e-mail address in the Reply-To field.)
0x800CCC79SMTP_REJECTED_RECIPIENTSServer rejected recipients.
0x800CCC7ASMTP_NO_SENDERNo sender address specified.
0x800CCC7BSMTP_NO_RECIPIENTSNo recipients specified.

NNTP Errors - USENET/Newsgroup Problems
Error NumberError TypeDescription
0x800CCCA0NNTP_RESPONSE_ERRORNews server response error.
0x800CCCA1NNTP_NEWGROUPS_FAILEDNewsgroup access failed.
0x800CCCA2NNTP_LIST_FAILEDLIST command to server failed.
0x800CCCA3NNTP_LISTGROUP_FAILEDUnable to display list.
0x800CCCA4NNTP_GROUP_FAILEDUnable to open group.
0x800CCCA5NNTP_GROUP_NOTFOUNDGroup not on server.
0x800CCCA6NNTP_ARTICLE_FAILEDMessage not on server.
0x800CCCA7NNTP_HEAD_FAILEDMessage header not found.
0x800CCCA8NNTP_BODY_FAILEDMessage body not found.
0x800CCCA9NNTP_POST_FAILEDUnable to post to server.
0x800CCCAANNTP_NEXT_FAILEDUnable to open next message.
0x800CCCABNNTP_DATE_FAILEDUnable to display date.
0x800CCCACNNTP_HEADERS_FAILEDUnable to display headers.
0x800CCCADNNTP_XHDR_FAILEDUnable to display MIME headers.
0x800CCCAENNTP_INVALID_USERPASSInvalid user or password.

IMAP Errors - Problems using IMAP services
Error NumberError TypeDescription
0x800CCCD3IMAP_BAD_RESPONSEInvalid response to request.
0x800CCCD6IMAP_BUFFER_OVERFLOWBuffer limit exceeded.
0x800CCCD7IMAP_RECVR_ERRORRecovery error.
0x800CCCD8IMAP_INCOMPLETE_LINEIncomplete data.
0x800CCCD9IMAP_CONNECTION_REFUSEDConnection not allowed.
0x800CCCDBIMAP_CHANGEDUIDUser ID has changed.
0x800CCCDCIMAP_UIDORDERUser ID command failed.
0x800CCCDDIMAP_UNSOLICITED_BYEUnexpected disconnect.
0x800CCCDEIMAP_IMPROPER_SVRSTATEInvalid server state.
0x800CCCDFIMAP_AUTH_NOT_POSSIBLEUnable to authorize client.
0x800CCCE0IMAP_OUT_OF_AUTH_METHODSNo more authorization types.

RAS/DUN Error - Problems communicating with dial-up/network system
Error NumberError TypeDescription
0x800CCCC3RAS_PROCS_NOT_FOUNDRAS/DUN process not found.
0x800CCCC4RAS_ERRORRAS/DUN error returned.
0x800CCCC5RAS_INVALID_CONNECTOIDConnectoid damaged or missing.
0x800CCCC6RAS_GET_DIAL_PARAMSError getting dial settings.

Winsock Errors - Problems encountered between Outlook Express and Operating system.
Error NumberError TypeDescription
0x800CCC40WINSOCK_WSASYSNOTREADYNetwork subsystem is unusable.
0x800CCC41WINSOCK_WSAVERNOTSUPPORTEDWindows Sockets cannot support this application.
0x800CCC44WINSOCK_FAILED_WSASTARTUPUnable to load Windows Sockets.
0x800CCC45WINSOCK_WSAEINPROGRESSOperation now in progress.

0x800CCC00 - Authentication did not load
  1. Reboot your computer and try again
  2. Check Service Status for mail problems
  3. Setup a new account in Outlook Express, re-entering your mail connection details. It is possible that your account has become corrupt
0x800CCC01 - Invalid certificate content. / 0x800CCC02 - Invalid certificate date
The digitally signed email cannot be verified using the available digital certificate. Either the digital certificate is out-of-date or has been cancelled. Get your certificate re-issued by your certificate authority or try recreating your mail profile. [Top]
0x800CCC03 - User already connected
The mailserver believes that you are already logged into your mailbox:
  1. Close all connections on any machines that you connect to your email with and wait 20 minutes to check again
  2. If you are not logged in on another computer then someone may be using/downloading from your account, or something is wrong with your account
  3. If the problem continues, recreate your mail profile
0x800CCC05 - Not connected to server
Outlook Express can't talk to the mailserver.
  1. Check you are connected to the internet (view a webpage). If you are connected, double-check yourmailserver address
  2. If you can't view webpages, re-connect and try again
0x800CCC0A - Incomplete
  1. This is a possible corruption of the file that records which emails you have downloaded. Close your internet connection and all programs. Search for the file 'pop3uid.dbx' and rename it to ''. Reconnect and try again
  2. If this doesn't work, reboot and try again
  3. It's possible that the error is being caused by an email waiting to be downloaded from the mail server. For POP3 mail try using webmail to view the contents of your mailbox. This may help identify the problem - if you see emails that you have already downloaded, try deleting them and the next in the list and try downloading using Outlook Express again. Your mail should then function properly
0x800CCC0B - Server busy or incorrect domain on sender's email address
  1. The mailserver may be slowing down because of heavy email traffic. Wait 5 minutes and try again
  2. If the problem continues check the service status page to see if there is a known problem with email service
  3. Check your email settings and make sure you are using the correct format for your email address
0x800CCC0D - Cannot locate server
Outlook Express can't see the mailserver.
  1. Check you are connected to the internet (by viewing a website with your web browser). If you are connected, double-check your mailserver address
  2. If you can't view webpages, re-connect and try again
0x800CCC0E - Cannot connect to server
Outlook Express can't talk to the mailserver.
  1. Check you are connected to the internet (by viewing a website with your web browser). If you are connected, double-check your mailserver address.
  2. If you can't view webpages, re-connect and try again
0x800CCC0F - Connection closed
Your modem/network was disconnected. If this happens often with dial-up there may be noise on your phone line or you may need updated modem drivers. With a network (broadband etc) the problem may be with your network hardware or drivers. Also check that any antivirus software you have installed is working correctly. [Top]
0x800CCC10 - Address not known on server
Outlook Express can't deliver an email because the address appears invalid. Check your spelling of the address (a common error is using a comma instead of a full stop in domain names) and try again. If there is one particular message causing a problem, delete it from your Outbox (or move it to your Drafts folder) and try again to verify this is the case. [Top]
0x800CCC11 - Mailing list not known on server
Outlook Express can't deliver to a mailing list, possibly because one of the email addresses isn't valid (check the spelling). Lots of mailing lists have restricted access, make sure that you are properly subscribed to the list. [Top]
0x800CCC12 / 0x800CCC13 / 0x800CCC14 / 0x800CCC15 - Winsock problems
This error usually means that a problem has occurred in your network protocols which is making it impossible for Outlook Express to transmit data over the network. A common fix is to re-install TCP/IP. First try rebooting your PC as this will often fix the problem. [Top]
0x800CCC16 - User account not recognized
  1. The most common cause for this is incorrect username and password details
  2. If they are not wrong, try setting up another identity with the same details. Sometimes accounts become corrupted. Creating a new copy of your email account can fix the problem
0x800CCC17 - User cancelled operation
This can occur if you cancel the sending and receiving of emails. Try rebooting your computer. If this problem continues, the file 'pop3uidl.dbx' that logs which emails have been received may have become corrupt. You can do a search for the file and rename it '' then restart your computer. [Top]
0x800CCC18 - Logon attempt failed.
This simply means that Outlook Express was unable to log into your mail account.
  1. Check your account information (username, password and mailserver addresses)
  2. Make sure your account is still active (try and login to the portal and check your mail using the Webmail tool)
0x800CCC19 - Timeout
This error may be the result of a temporary glitch. Try rebooting your system and trying again. If this problem continues, the file' pop3uidl.dbx' that logs which emails have been received may have become corrupt. You can do a search for the file and rename it ''. Then reboot your system and try again. [Top]
0x800CCC1A - Unable to connect using SSL
This error indicates a problem connecting using the Secure Socket Layer. Remove this setting by editing your account settings and looking in the advanced tab. [Top]
General Errors- Applies to many of the errors on the above lists
Many errors can be fixed by rebooting your computer. Many problems are also caused by antivirus software not updating correctly.. We recommend that you take a look at Microsoft's Knowledge Base regarding Outlook Express problems if your problems persist. [Top]
POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) Errors
Problems that occur with POP3 affect the download of your emails. These problems occur, either because of a temporary glitch, file corruption, or because your account details are incorrect.
Checking your connection details are correct
Have you changed your account details recently? Make sure that you are not using CAPS LOCK while entering a case sensitive password. There is a quick way to check that you are using the right password and username, by connecting to the internet and using a program called a telnet client.
Telnet is program that allows you to access and talk to other computers, in this case you can pretend to be Outlook Express and talk directly to the mailserver. This will allow you to see if it's your email account or Outlook Express that is at fault. This should work with most versions of windows, although in Windows Vista you will need to add Telnet manually or download a different telnet program, such as Putty.
  1. Click the Start button, then RUN
  2. In the RUN prompt, type 'cmd' (on Windows NT/2000/XP) or 'Command' on Windows 95/98/ME
  3. In the new window, type 'telnet 110' then press enter. Take care in your typing as you may not see what you type so its easy to make a mistake. If you do, it's best to start again
  4. You should be connected to the mailserver - you should see the response +OK Hello there which confirms the mailserver is OK
  5. Type in 'user your username' and hit the enter key (if your username was jsmith you would type 'user jsmith' )
  6. You will then get a message +OK Password required - type in 'pass your password' and press enter (If your password was opensesame you would type 'pass opensesame')
If it is correct, you will get an '+OK Well done' message. You are now in your mailbox and can be sure that your email account details are correct. [Top]
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Errors
Problems that occur with SMTP affect your sending of emails. These problems can occur because of a temporary glitch (such as another program blocking port 25 which is used by Outlook express to send emails). It is possible that the outgoing mailserver address is wrong. This should be This is the first thing you should check.
Testing your access to port 25
You can check to see if your email is being blocked by using a telnet client. If you can connect to the outgoing mailserver on port 25, this will confirm that your problem mostly likely lies with the Outlook Express application, or your settings. To do the test:
  1. Click the Start button, then RUN
  2. In the RUN prompt, type 'cmd' (on Windows NT/2000/XP) or 'Command' on Windows 95/98/ME
  3. In the new window, type 'telnet 25' then press enter. Take care in your typing as you may not see what you type so its easy to make a mistake. If you do, its best to start again
  4. You should be connected to the mailserver - you should see a response that begins with "220." which confirms the port 25 is open. If you don't get the "220" response, either the mailserver is not operating properly (check service status), you're not connected to the internet or something on your system may be blocking port 25
If you run your own mailserver and don't limit access to it, our network engineers may have blocked your access to port 25. You will be contacted by support if this happens. [Top]
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) Errors
NNTP allows Outlook Express to function as a USENET (newsgroup) client. Problems with NNTP will mean that you either cannot post to newsgroups or are unable to download the latest posts. In most cases problems will be as a result of incorrect settings or a corrupt news posting. You can check your settings by reading the guide to setting up Outlook Express for newsgroups. If there is a problem with USENET service, it will be indicated on the Service Status page. [Top]
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) Errors
IMAP allows Outlook Express to store emails on the mailserver, allowing access to all your email, old and new from anywhere you can access email. Problems that occur with IMAP are mostly the same types of problems that occur with the more common POP3 mail system. If you were intentionally using the IMAP service, make sure that your settings are correct.
Because IMAP stores all your emails on the mailserver it is possible that a corrupt email (often with large attachments etc) may be the cause of problems. If you think this has occurred, raise a Question to our Support Team using the Help Assistant. Our network engineers will then investigate further. [Top]
RAS/DUN (Remote Access Server/ Dial-up Network) Errors
RAS/DUN errors indicate problems with your dial-up or network system. Outlook Express is tied to your dial-up settings, so if you open it, while not online, it can either automatically connect, or give you the option to connect. You should check your connection settings within Outlook Express (Click ToolsOptions, ConnectionsChange - to see your settings). [Top]
Winsock (Windows Socket/ Socket2) Errors
Winsock is the windows component that Outlook Express uses for all its TCP/IP (internet) communication. Winsock errors are usually caused by problems within the application/ operating system, sometimes as a result of bad configuration. They may be temporary in nature, vanishing on a reboot. They may be the result of a corruption within either Outlook Express or Windows. [Top]
More Help
Microsoft's Help and Support Centre has a lot of help for fixing Outlook Express problems. If you continue to have problems with Outlook Express, it's a good place to look for help.
You might also solve your problem by using the Help Assistant. [Top]

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